Do You Need Media Training?

More and more small business people are recognising the power publicity can play in accelerating the growth and brand recognition of their business.


It’s difficult to place a dollar value on media coverage but there’s no doubt having your business or own name mentioned in the media (in a positive light) can bring new customers, raise a businesses’ profile and lift a businesses’ standing within its own industry.

Getting the media interested in you and your business is just the first part of the journey – making a positive impression that reflects well on a business is the end-goal of every engagement with the media.

Let’s be honest, how many small business people would nail a live TV or radio studio interview? Would they know the ins and outs of a phone interview with a radio station or newspaper journalist? How would they cope with an interviewer who was antagonistic or veered wildly off-topic? Too often in my experience, the answer is that most wouldn’t manage very well, at all.

That’s when a well-intentioned plan to get media interest in a small business or its owner, can go pear-shaped – not only causing some potential embarrassment with family and friends but more importantly, costing business customers and putting its hard-earned reputation at risk.


Media training programs differ from trainer to trainer, but broadly speaking what you’ll gain from media training is an understanding of how each media platform works and what you might expect if called upon to comment on something or to talk about your business.

Half of the battle with being confident in the media is about knowing what to expect. What will the studio set-up look like? How will I be introduced to a radio audience and how should I respond? What should I do when I’m asked a question outside my area of expertise? What happens when I’m asked to be interviewed; should I check to see what questions might be asked? And what should I do after the interview? How can I leverage the vision, audio or online link?

At Tucker Media, we can design a media training program specifically for you and your business. Whether it’s a group presentation for your staff or one-on-one private coaching for your CEO, we can draw on over 20 years’ of experience in the media to give you the best training possible for a whole range of situations and to fit all budgets.

Getting yourself media-ready and media-trained can propel you to a whole new level – so what are you waiting for?