How To Find Newsworthy Stories Within Your Business

As a business owner looking to penetrate the market with your products or services, finding unique ways to share your story with your intended audience in an organic and seamless way may seem overwhelming. Especially since getting brand cut-through in today’s technological age is harder than ever. 

Engaging someone to help you find those newsworthy stories can really help propel your business and get you in front of the right audiences.

Publicity is an amazing tool for building brand awareness, raising someone's profile and can lead to lots of future opportunities including corporate speaking, regular radio spots, newspaper columns and more.

Every business has a story the media will be interested in. 

So, how do you tell those stories effectively to engage potential customers and get them interested in your business?

Finding Industry Trends


To be competitive, you need to be aware of the trends happening across your industry. What are your competitors doing and why are they doing it? There’s a lot to be gained by knowing what other businesses are doing to attract customer attention. With a little tweaking and modification, you can use those trends to create your own gold mine of opportunities. If you’re savvy enough to study the trends in your industry and keep on top of what your competitors are doing, you’ll have an effective story to tell which can help put your business on the map.

Commenting on opportunities

Once you’ve discovered the trends in your industry, you need to be able to comment on them. Providing valuable insight on the opportunities or loopholes within your industry is what will get your company free publicity and media coverage. Building yourself up as a thought leader or industry expert is a long-term strategy that will prove to be invaluable.

Focus on your successes

You can drive your products further in the market by focusing on the areas of your business where you’ve succeeded. These success stories will help to create a positive image of your business in the public. For example, if you are a software developer and you’ve created a program which has revolutionised the accounting industry you can capitalise on that and use it to publicise your business. First, find a suitable success story, then sell it with proficiency to your targeted audience.

Use customers to tell your story

One of the best ways to sell a product or service is by telling a compelling story. While there are many ways to tell your story, the ones told by your customers typically hold the strongest clout. People are relying more and more on reviews and testimonials when making purchasing decisions – you can use this to your advantage by sourcing stories told by satisfied customers. 

When you know what the media is looking for there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to generate coverage about your business. Getting publicity will drive traffic to your website, get people calling and ultimately bring in new clients and opportunities.